Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Jonathan Gruber Suspected of "Phantom Billing"

Jonathan Gruber, the acclaimed Obamacare architect and suspect grafter, is under investigation for “phantom billing.”  It just keeps getting better and better.  Breitbart.com reported the following:

On Monday Darcie Johnston, head of Vermonters for Health Care Freedom, told Breitbart News that Gruber may have a “phantom billing” problem.
 “Jonathan Gruber has failed to provide any evidence that the $80,000 he’s been paid by the state of Vermont for 800 hours of work he claimed was performed by unidentified research assistants was actually performed, or that these research assistants even exist and were paid,” Johnston told Breitbart News.
 “There’s a term in health care for the practice of billing for services not provided. It’s called ‘phantom billing,’ and when doctors or health care providers do this, they face criminal charges.”
Johnston’s comment expands the potential number of legal problems which Gruber may face in connection with his lucrative consulting business, from which he earned an estimated $5 million over the past four years in federal and state contracts.

On Friday, white collar criminal defense attorney Brady Toensing told Breitbart News, “if [an] investigation uncovers sufficient evidence that Gruber padded his bills, he could be charged by the state with contract fraud or by the feds with mail or wire fraud.”

Will an Obama crony get jail time for fraud?  I doubt it.  Too bad, they don’t go after all the green energy grafters that have raided the U.S. treasury.


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