Saturday, February 7, 2015

Four Star Admiral: Obama Administration Infested with Muslim Brotherhood

Is Barack Obama a secret Muslim?  What is one to think after his National Prayer Day breakfast speech?  According to our so-called president, Christians need to get off their high horse.  They’ve been committing heinous acts in the name of Jesus since yesterday.  The crusades, inquisition and Jim Crow are the product of the New Testament.  Don’t question Obama’s historical accuracy on this matter.  After all, George Washington brewed beer in the White House.

Who are we to judge?  All religions are perverted by zealots?  True, except of course, Muhammad was a pervert, murderer, pedophile, polygamist, slave trader, and warlord.  This man was the original anti-Christ. 

So what is really going on with our commander-in-chief?  A retired, four star Admiral has an idea. He believes the Obama administration is infested with the Muslim Brotherhood.  Our enemy has infiltrated the highest echelons of our government.  This is nothing new.  Republican politicians warned us a long time ago of the machinations of this president, but they were deemed politically motivated smears.  I’m sure progressives will dismiss Admiral James Lyons’ speech as the ravings of a senile, old man.



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