Sunday, February 15, 2015

Progressives in Panic Over "Envy Economics" Brand

Progressive can dish it out, but they sure can’t take it.  Their whole political strategy is name calling and branding the opposition.  Success is dependent on dividing groups against each other.  Their economic policies are based on envy and greed.  

So, when a congenial republican accurately defined progressive policies, they panicked.  E.J Dionne Jr., an op-ed writer for the Washington Post, had to immediately try and stomp it out.  Here is an excerpt:

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) values his reputation as a serious policy analyst and a genial soul. But he’s not above name-calling, and he insists that President Obama’s budget is the product of “envy economics.”
Ryan’s label invites a comparable description of his own approach, which would slash taxes on the rich while cutting programs for the poor and many middle-income Americans. If Ryan wants to play the branding game, is it unfair to ask him why “greed economics” isn’t an appropriate tag for his own approach?

According to E.J. Dionne, anyone who dares to criticize the federal government and wants to keep more of what they earned is a greedy son of a bitch.  To him and other progressives, only big government looks out for the poor and middle class.  

In their jaded view of America, philanthropy doesn’t exist.  Charity is a myth.  Community is a 19th century relic.  And churches are nothing more than theater for stupid, superstitious peasants who get preyed upon by greedy pedophiles. 

Progressives should be in a panic.  Envy economics is an accurate portrayal of their policies.  Contempt for their fellow man is another,


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