Sunday, February 15, 2015

Theoretical Physicist Questions Light-Eating Black Holes

The science is settled!  How many times have we heard that from consensus grafters?  Global warmers refuse to provide their data, and when they do, their assertions have been refuted.  Their whole premise is based on computer models that have never been right.  These same scientists have stooped so low as to fabricate real temperature data to manipulate world opinion.

Consensus is not science.  The global warming debate will continue as long as honest brokers aren’t censored.  Even well established theories, like black holes, are disputed to this day.  The News and Observer reported:

CHAPEL HILL — A theoretical physicist at UNC believes she has found a rather large hole in the popular scientific conception of the universe.

The university’s press office states flatly that Dr. Laura Mersini-Houghton has shown that “black holes do not exist,” and that, as a result, scientists are going to have to “reimagine the fabric of space-time, but also rethink the origins of the universe.”

Those cosmic claims may be slightly hyperbolic, but Mersini-Houghton herself believes that her paper published last week will disrupt our entire understanding of the light-eating, infinitely dense objects that supposedly haunt the universe. She says black holes likely can’t exist in the way they’ve been previously conceived.

Her conclusion, in short, is that collapsing stars should slow their self destruction before they truly become bottomless gravity well.

 If physicist can still debate the existence of black holes without recriminations can’t climatologist?


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