Sunday, August 9, 2015

Blue Cross to Raise Obamacare Rates on N.C. Entrepreneurs by 34.6%

Three cheers for Obamacare!  Hip-hip… what?  Common guys, you’re not sharing the love?  You thought your insurance premiums would go down?  You thought you could keep your plan, doctor, and hospital?  What do you think this is, America?

Blue Cross and Blue Shield, North Carolina’s largest health insurer, is scrapping its June request for a 25.7 percent rate increase in favor of a larger rate hike: 34.6 percent.

In announcing the change Thursday, the Chapel Hill organization blamed the Affordable Care Act for driving up costs by extending health insurance to many chronically ill people. As the state’s dominant health insurer and the only ACA insurer in several dozen counties, Blue Cross is seen as a barometer of North Carolina’s health insurance market for pricing and access.

The company’s request, which requires approval from state and federal regulators, would affect about 380,000 people Blue Cross covers in North Carolina on individual policies under the Affordable Care Act. It does not apply to the majority of the 3.9 million Blue Cross covers in the state under employer plans, state plans and other policies.

Basically, this rate increase will only affect contractors, entrepreneurs and the self employed.  Thanks Democrats.  You really know how to screw people who have ambition to improve themselves.


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