Saturday, August 1, 2015

Diversity is Tribalism

Every election cycle democrats and their media pundits lecture the Republic Party on the benefits of diversity.  To them diversity is the holy grail of presidential politics without it a republican will never again reside at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Do democrats really want to help republicans win the presidency?  Of course not.  They know the republican base still believes in the American creed.  The call for diversity is a tactical maneuver designed to shame old America into accepting un-American behaviors, customs and ideologies.

What is diversity?  What is its essence?  On the surface diversity is pandering to special interest groups.  Democrats have mastered the art of pitting subset groups against one another.  They use the white, Christian male as the boogeyman of minorities as a means to maintain power and advance a totalitarian agenda while the plebeians bicker amongst themselves.  Coal mine owners used this technique on their workers.  They would separate ethnic groups and spread hateful rumors amongst them.  This divide and conquer strategy ensured miners wouldn’t come together as a collective and establish a united front.

Ultimately, diversity is tribalism and the Democratic Party knows this.  Their base is comprised of teat squawking factions demanding special rights, privileges, and taxpayer funds and the only people stopping them from their utopian ideal is a bunch of rich, hoary white people who are too busy clutching their guns, bibles and wallets.

Mitt Romney committed sacrilege when he stated 47% of the electorate would never vote for a republican candidate.  He was right.  Barack Obama and the Democratic Party are going to make sure that number becomes a well established majority by importing third-worlders who have no concept of American exceptionalism.

Mexico has 1/4 of its citizens living in the United States.  California has irreparably turned blue because of generations of unfettered illegal immigration.  Illegal aliens aren’t the only problem.  Government sanctioned refugees are becoming a factor as well.  Here is an excerpt from

UVA’s report explains that more than three out of four of Virginia immigrants (77 percent) are coming from either Latin America or Asia—immigration from Europe, the report writes, “lag[s] far behind” representing only 10 percent of Virginia’s immigrant population. This is consistent with trends nationwide. According to the 2013 Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Immigration Yearbook, only 8.7 percent of green cards issued by the federal government went to immigrants born in Europe, a product of immigration changes pushed through by Ted Kennedy in 1965.

DHS’ yearbook, however, does not provide information on parental nativity– in other words, it doesn’t say whether an immigrant from the United Kingdom may be the child of Saudi parents.
Additionally, according to DHS, of those refugees issued admissions slips into the United States, 75 percent came from four countries– Iraq, Burma, Somalia and Bhutan– while another 15 percent came from Iran, Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea and the Dominican Republic.
Large numbers of these settlers handpicked by the federal government have come to Virginia. A 2011 article from The Washington Post explains: “Soaring number of Hispanics and Asians pushed Virginia’s population over 8 million in the past decade.”

We also have refugees of another sort coming to mainland America.  Puerto Rico is a commonwealth of the United States; however, they have the fiscal discipline of Detroit.  These American Hispanics are leaving their island in droves because of soaring unemployment and insurmountable debt.  Florida is their destination and they could possibly play a factor in the 2016 presidential elections.

One has to ask, what does all this diversity mean for the future of America?  How can a nation benefit by importing millions of people from failed states without any intention of assimilation?  Common sense tells us this cannot end well.

The Democratic Party’s diversity scheme will benefit them in the short term, but eventually tribalism will win out, and the United States will become a historical footnote.


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