Sunday, September 27, 2015

N.C. Senate Passes Bill to Crack Down on Sanctuary Cities

North Carolina’s Senate passed a much needed bill.  There must be a crackdown on employers who hire illegal aliens and the sanctuary cities that accommodate them. 

 — The Senate gave tentative approval Thursday to a proposal banning local "sanctuary" ordinances and limiting food assistance for able-bodied, childless, unemployed adults.
House Bill 318 began as a requirement for all government agencies, state and local, to use E-Verify to check the legal status of applicants and contractors, an expansion of a law previously passed. It also forbids government agencies or law enforcement from using consular or embassy document to verify identity or residence.
The measure picked up additional provisions along the way, including a ban on the enactment of "sanctuary city" ordinances by any local governments in North Carolina. Bill supporters say there are "seven or eight" in the state, but named only Durham, Carrboro, Chapel Hill, Chatham County and Charlotte – cities Sen. , R-Randolph, referred to as "liberal bastions."

I can attest to that.  There are areas in Charlotte where no one speaks English.  Job sites are filled with Hispanic males.  In the meantime, North Carolina’s unemployment rate is 5.8% with a participation rate of 59.8% ranking 43rd in the country.  That is pathetic.


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