Sunday, January 10, 2016

Europe Has Higher Rate of Mass Shootings Than U.S.

The president, his fellow democrats and their stooges in the media harp the false narrative that the United States is the most violent nation in the industrialized world, and it’s high time the American people rethink the value of their 2nd Amendment rights. 

“But we are the only advanced country on Earth that sees this kind of mass violence erupt with this kind of frequency. It doesn’t happen in other advanced countries. It’s not even close. And as I’ve said before, somehow we’ve become numb to it and we start thinking that this is normal.” – Barack Hussein Obama.

This assertion is an outright lie.  The Crime Prevention Research Center published a study that completely contradicts President Obama’s assault on our God given rights.  Here is an excerpt:

This claim is simply not true.  Between January 2009 and December 2015, there are 11 European countries with a higher frequency of these mass public shootings than the US, and 10 European countries with a higher rate of deaths from these attacks.

Indeed, over that same period of time, the European Union (EU) suffered 303 deaths from mass public shootings, while the US had 199.  In terms of injuries from these attacks the gap was even much greater, with EU countries facing 680 versus just 197 for the US.  However, given the EU’s larger population, the per million people fatality rate for the US and the EU as a whole are virtually identical (0.62 for the US and 0.60 for the EU).  By contrast, the injury rate in the EU is much higher (0.61 for the US and 1.34 for the EU).

I wonder how many of these crimes are related to the religion of peace.  I’m sure there is a correlation.


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