Sunday, October 23, 2016

North Carolina State Fair Turns into Trumpland 2016

According to most polls, Hillary Clinton is winning North Carolina.  However, if you went to this year’s state fair you’d think Donald Trump had bought it and renamed it Trumpland.  Here is an excerpt from an op-ed in the News and Observer:

 During its 11-day run it was hard to go more than a minute or so without seeing someone – or an entire family – wearing the Trump/Pence stickers that measure about 2.5 inches across. Scores of others could be seen carrying one or more Trump/Pence red yard signs that were being peddled for $5 each at the Wake County Republican booth in the education building. The 5,000 yard signs sold out, and the crowds at the booth were often several people deep waiting to buy various Trump items. Still, I’ve yet to see a person of color wearing a Trump sticker.

And as for the Democratic Party booth:

Fair politics is not limited to Republicans. The Democrats have a far more quiet – and far more diverse crowd – at their booth in the education building, but for some reason they did not give out Hillary Clinton stickers, instead handing out mostly “Move NC Forward, Vote Democrat” stickers, and another featuring Clinton and President Obama that says, “Forward Together.

 Isn’t that odd?  We’re constantly told by the pundit class that Donald Trump is bad for the under ticket; yet, Democrats in North Carolina refuse to feature Hillary Clinton on their campaign stickers.  That’s about like Democratic candidates refusing to acknowledge their party affiliation on yard signs.  I find that curious.  Don’t you?


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