Friday, January 6, 2017

Democrats Propagandize Obamacare Enrollments

I am well beyond the point where I don’t believe anything that a spokesmen, analyst or bureaucrat associated with the Democratic Party has to say on just about any topic.  These people have politicized everything.  And it will keep getting worse as this central government expands into our everyday lives.

How many times have we heard assertions from progressives that Obamacare has insured 20 million people?  They say it so many times that you think it was written in stone.  We’re finding out this is nothing more than a lie.  They came up with these numbers through a survey.  Yeah, that’s right.  Isn’t that the same tactic they used to propagandize global warming?  The Daily Signal reported the following:

A recent analysis by The Heritage Foundation’s Edmund Haislmaier and Drew Gonshorowski uses the more accurate method, taking actual enrollment data from Medicaid and private insurance companies to assess the impact Obamacare has had on coverage.

The researchers found that just over 14 million people gained coverage from the end of 2013 to the end of 2015. Of those 14 million, 11.8 million gained their insurance through Medicaid and 2.2 million through private coverage.
The report provides several key takeaways from the first two years of Obamacare’s full implementation:
·        Private market growth has been slow.

Enrollment in the individual market increased by 5.9 million and the self-insured employer market grew by 3.9 million. However, these increases were largely offset by an enrollment drop of 7.6 million people in fully insured employer group plans. Overall, the net gain in private market coverage was only 2.3 million people.
·        Medicaid enrollment has surged.

In states that adopted Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion, enrollment surged by 10.4 million. However, Medicaid enrollment also rose by 1.4 million in states that didn’t expand their Medicaid programs. Overall, enrollment in Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program accounts for 84 percent of the total coverage gains from Obamacare since 2014.
So, according to an actual study and not a survey, most of the people who are insured through Obamacare are enrolled in Medicaid.  Isn’t that genius?  It makes you wonder why Democrats aren’t bragging about that.


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