Thursday, March 2, 2017

Judge Aids and Abets Illegal Alien in Courtroom

The rule of law no longer exists when a judge aids and abets an illegal alien in her courtroom.  This is truly a remarkable case of judicial activism.

A judge in Multnomah County, Oregon is under investigation for allegedly helping an illegal immigrant evade federal authorities.

On Jan. 27, Mexican national Diddier Pacheco Salazar appeared before Judge Monica Herranz in a DUI case. After it came to Herranz's attention that Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents were in the hallway, she allegedly had Salazar leave her courtroom through her private entrance, Fox 12 Oregon reported Tuesday.

U.S. Attorney Billy Williams raised the issue when ICE agents notified him of the incident

"I felt that it was inappropriate and delegitimizes the work of ICE agents who are out there doing their jobs," Williams said.

"When you're talking about the judicial system, whether it's federal or by state, you have an expectation that people are going to abide by the law and not take steps based on their own motivations, their own politics, whatever the motivation was," Williams added

Liberals have an expectation that they’re above the law.  This is a serious problem that is systemic throughout the country. 


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