Thursday, August 17, 2017

Baltimore Snowflakes Triggered by Confederate Monuments

I’ll never forget my Baltimore, Maryland experience.  Smarty Jones was running in the 2004 Preakness and I thought for sure he would be a triple crown winner, and I wanted to witness history.  So I went to the race and proceeded to spend a long weekend visiting the sites and boy did I see some sights.  

Now mind you, at the time, HBO had a hit series called The Wire,  The story was about Baltimore’s grinding poverty and the degradations associated with it such as drug and alcohol abuse.  This show emphasized the heroin trade and the dilapidated state of a once great city.

I can say without hesitation there were aspects of that show that were spot on.  I remember pulling up to an intersection and seeing building after building boarded up as far as the eye could see and this went on block after block after block.  It was surreal.  I thought I was in a third world hellhole.  The only thing I could think of was National Lampoon’s Vacation when Chevy Chase told his family to roll up the windows and check out the plight.  Holy cow!

You would think Baltimore would try and rehabilitate a large section of its city by tearing down these dilapidated buildings, but you would be mistaken.  They are more concerned with tearing down Confederate statues.

The city of Baltimore took down a number of Confederate statues in the early hours of Wednesday.
A seven-member commission — chosen by the city’s mayor — proposed to remove both the Roger B. Taney monument and a dual monument to Robert E. Lee and Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson earlier this year, according to the Baltimore Sun.
Some of those monuments had been vandalized over the weekend in the wake of the racist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Images posted on Twitter early Wednesday showed the Taney monument, in addition to a Daughters of the Confederacy monument, being carted away on trucks after they were removed from their pedestals

Oh yeah, whatever you do, don’t tear down that eye sore in little Mogadishu; let’s tear down Confederate monuments because the natives are triggered.  Who cares if your citizens live in squalor as long as their feelings aren’t hurt.


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