Sunday, August 20, 2017

North Carolina Democrats Still Whining About "Gerrymandered" Districts

Elections have consequences and one of those consequences is the configuration of electoral maps.  This is a political process which the courts have no business interfering with.  If Democrats want more of a say into drawing districts maybe they should have a platform that is more palatable for their constituents.

North Carolina Democrats should be more concerned as to why they are losing elections instead of worrying about “gerrymandered” districts.  They lost back in 2010 because of corrupt politicians and woeful mismanagement of this great state.  We were a financial basket case and needed a change.  That’s why they lost.

But Democrats are incapable of introspection; instead, they plot and deceive and use the courts to gain political power.  They can’t win at the ballot box so let’s use unaccountable liberal judges to force their agenda down North Carolinians throats.  If they think that is an endearing quality, well it’s not.  That kind of action reminds me of the neighborhood kid who runs  home to mommy if he didn’t get his way.  Nobody liked that kid.

When it is all said and done there isn’t much Republicans can do.  Here is an excerpt from the News and Observer:

Reps. Carl Ford and Larry Pittman, Republicans who represent Cabarrus County, are also in a district together. Ford, reached by phone Saturday, said he was aware of the situation and said he looks forward to more redistricting discussions this week.

Given that districts must be roughly equal in size and must respect county boundaries as much as possible, “there’s only so many things they could do,” Ford said.

But that won’t stop Democrats from bitching and moaning.  They would rather have the issue of “unfairness.”  These people are so morally and financially bankrupt, they dare not present their true agenda.


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