Monday, August 21, 2017

The Republican Party's Three Ring "Oversight" Circus

It must be nice to be a congressman these days.  These slackers no longer legislate or pass budgets or hold anyone accountable for their actions.  They’ve created a nice little niche which they call “oversight.”  I may not be a constitutional scholar, but I’m quite sure “overseer” of federal bureaucracies is nowhere to be found.

Republicans have a regular three ring circus going on at Capitol Hill.  We see all sorts of escapades and stunts played on C-Span.  There were plenty of oohs and ahhhs during the Obama administration as one scoundrel after another danced before committee hearing after committee hearing while the carnival barkers beat their chest and declared their indignations.  To what avail?  

We all know these politicians are complacent, gutless wonders; but what is really disturbing is how Republican “leadership” was willing to bail on our nominee and embrace a Hillary Clinton presidency.  Here is an excerpt from BizPac Review:

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan advised Republicans to run away from candidate Donald Trump before the election in order to save themselves and hold a future-President Hillary Clinton accountable, Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas revealed in an exclusive video interview with The Daily Caller New Foundation.
 “Are you crazy? We haven’t held anyone accountable. You haven’t even let us hold the IRS commissioner accountable [for using government power to harm President Obama’s political adversaries],” an astonished Gohmert said to the speaker on a call.

Rep. Louie Gohmert is one of the few honest men in that hellhole town.


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