Saturday, August 19, 2017

Venezuelans Voted for Tyranny

For the life of me, I cannot understand why immigrants from third world countries advocate for a welfare state knowing the oppression and corruption that breeds from authoritarian regimes.  Mexicans have a word for it: mordida.

So when I was debating a business owner of Venezuelan descent about Obamacare, I couldn’t help but laugh.  How could this man advocate a Chavez-esque expropriation of an industry knowing the outcome.  He didn’t appreciate my derisive inquiry and proceeded to kick me out of his store.

A couple of years later, after Chavez died and the eventual breakdown of their socialist society began, I asked this same business owner how his family was doing in Venezuela.  It wasn’t good.  As a matter of fact, they’re living a nightmare.

He was wondering why the United States didn’t intervene on behalf of the Venezuelan people.  I flat out told him they voted for tyranny.  They’re getting exactly what they asked for.  And the United States shouldn’t stick our nose in this business because we’ll end up owning their stupidity and then they’ll scapegoat the “Yankees” for the problems they created.  

So when I heard the Trump administration is considering a military intervention in Venezuela, I couldn’t believe it.  Isn’t it about time we learn from our mistakes.  Better yet, why don’t we let others learn from theirs.          


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