Thursday, August 17, 2017

Visitors Break Spending Records in Charlotte's HB2 HellHole

Does anyone remember the left-wing hysteria about North Carolina’s HB2 law that prohibited mentally ill men from using women’s bathrooms?  We were told the financial consequences would be enormous.  We even had crony capitalist like PayPal refuse to locate their headquarters in the Queen City because their sensibilities were profoundly triggered.  No amount of taxpayer money could entice these teat squawkers to open their offices up in state that wouldn’t allow a transvestite to squat in a stall next to a five year old girl.  Why, that’s outrageously discriminatory.  Who in the hell do North Carolinians think they are!

Well with all the panting outrage and condemnation from libtards near and far, Charlotte actually experienced a record amount of visitor revenue in 2016.  Who would’ve thunk it!  And it was reported in the Charlotte Observer!

Visitor spending hit record highs in the Charlotte region last year, despite headwinds from House Bill 2, North Carolina’s controversial LGBT bill that prompted scores of businesses, performing artists and sports groups to cancel events in the state.

Visitors across the Charlotte region spent more than $6.7 billion last year, according to an annual study conducted by the U.S. Travel Association and commissioned by Visit North Carolina, the state’s tourism arm. Statewide, domestic visitors spent a record $22.9 billion in 2016.

The Charlotte region hosted about 27.8 million visitors in 2016, roughly 1 million more than in 2015, according to the study.

Of course, these yahoos have their caveats.  It must be awful hard to eat crow on that cracker.


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