Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Conservative Organizations Demand Ouster of Senator Mitch McConnell

Conservatives are demanding the ouster of Senator Mitch McConnell as majority leader along with all of the acolytes that compose his fiefdom.  This man has proven himself at best an incompetent, and at worse a conniving, power-hungry scumbag.  Whatever it is, we’ve had enough.  Here is an excerpt a group of like minded organization sent to the Senator.

“You and the rest of your leadership team were given the majority because you pledged to stop the steady flow of illegal immigration,” the letter states. “You have done nothing. You pledged to reduce the size of this oppressive federal government. You have done nothing. You pledged to reduce, and ultimately eliminate the out-of-control deficit spending that is bankrupting America. You have done nothing. You promised to repeal Obamacare, ‘root and branch.’ You have done nothing. You promised tax reform. You have done nothing.”

Done nothing is right.  I have my suspicions that Senator McConnell wants Obamacare around as a dependable pinata that he and the GOP can bash each election cycle.  Afterall, Republicans were swept into office on the promise of repeal and replace.  It would be a shame to lose this meal ticket.


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