Monday, October 9, 2017

Good Riddance, Senator Bob Corker!

Good riddance, Senator Bob Corker!  Tennesseans have had enough of your shenanigans and are holding the door open with a foot cocked and ready.  But of course, this tool for the U. S. Chamber of Commerce won’t go quietly.  No, he has to fire some parting shots at the man who is draining the swamp.  Here is an excerpt from the AP:

WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen. Bob Corker is hardly the only Republican lawmaker raising dark concerns about harm President Donald Trump might cause the U.S. and the world. But he’s one of the few willing to air those worries in public.

Most GOP senators were silent Monday, a day after Corker charged that the White House was an “adult day care” and Trump could set the nation “on the path to World War III.”

Trump is putting the nation on a path to World War III?  This yahoo can’t be serious.  It was Corker and his merry band of idiots who paved that road.  They allowed Obama to negotiate one of the worst deals in American history.  They are the ones who ensured a nuclear Iran.  It was Corker and the Republican establishment who trampled over the treaty clause of the U.S. Constitution.  That deal would’ve never been ratified had they followed the law of the land.

Senator Bob Corker can shoot his mouth off all he wants.  Soon he’ll be just an echo as he swishes down the drain with all the other fecal matter that floods Washington D.C.


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