Sunday, December 10, 2017

Robert Mueller's Low Friends in Special Places

Holy cow! Is anyone tabulating all of Robert Mueller’s miscreants? Is there anyone on this special council who isn’t tainted? The latest exposed team member is Aaron Zebley, the lawyer who represented Hillary Clinton’s infamous IT guy. You know the guy who set up her private server and helped destroy her mobile devices.

Zebley should work well with Jeannie Rhee who has ties to the Clinton Foundation. I’m sure they have a lot to talk about.

And what about Andrew Weissman. This guy is such a slimeball, I find it hard to believe he still has a law license. I thought attorneys had to comply with rules and ethical standards. Apparently not.

Well at least Mueller drew a line when it came to Peter Strzok. This guy was fired from the investigation for sending anti-Trump texts. One must wonder what the context of those were. I’m dying to see what this guy thumbed out considering the low standards of this personnel.


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