Monday, December 4, 2017

The Disparity of Deep State Justice

America is at a dangerous crossroads.  It has become quite clear that justice is not blind and that the rule of law depends on who is holding the scales.  We all know the Clintons can commit all sorts of crimes with impunity while others who are acceptable, like General Petraeus, get a slap on the wrist,  and then there is Michael Flynn.

FrontPage Mag demonstrated the disparity of Deep State justice.  Here is an excerpt:

Petraeus, Obama’s CIA Director, lied to FBI agents about passing classified materials to his mistress. Despite being caught in the lie on a recording, he was never charged for it, as Flynn was. Instead he only pleaded guilty to mishandling classified information and received a slap on the wrist.

While Justice Department personnel had wanted to hold Petraeus accountable, the final decision was made by Attorney General Holder and FBI Director Comey. Lawyers for Petraeus insisted that he couldn’t be charged with lying to the FBI because DOJ guidelines recommend not charging “in situations in which a suspect, during an investigation, merely denies guilt in response to questioning by the government.” Petraeus admitted making false statements, but was never charged over them.

That’s what makes Flynn’s case so striking.

General Petraeus lied about committing a crime. His mishandling of classified information was a serious issue. And yet he was never charged for it.
General Flynn lied about something that was not a crime. His conversations were authorized by officials in the incoming Trump administration. And even by the outgoing Obama administration.

Deep State justice is not blind.  As a matter of fact, it's glaring.


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