Sunday, January 14, 2018

Activist Judge Legislates in Favor of DACA

Another federal judge has just abused his office by legislating from the bench.  A San Franciscan jurist ruled that King Obama’s royal decree subverting Article I Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution will stand.

But on Tuesday, U.S. District Judge William Alsup in San Francisco ruled that the Trump administration's decision to eliminate DACA was based on a shoddy legal argument and called the move "arbitrary" and "capricious."

Ruling in favor of the University of California, Alsup ordered the government to resume DACA renewal applications while challenges to the September order work their way through the courts.

It’s about damn time Congress stepped up to the plate and do their duty by putting these rogue justices in their place.  Article III specifically defines the court’s original jurisdiction and that all other considerations are regulated by Congress.  However, considering how corrupt and gutless our elected officials are, we’ll have to endure more outrageous rulings by black robed thugs before we slap these scoundrels down by demanding an Article V Convention of States.


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