Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Liberals Finally Debunking Healthcare Myths

I know I can safely say there are times when conservatives are stupefied at how dense and illogical liberals can be and it seems to be happening on a daily basis.  These people have no moorings in common sense even when it comes down to something as basic as gender.  If you’re confused about your sex just check your pants.  Are you packing or not?  Case closed.

The same applies to healthcare. Barack Obama peddled a falsehood that the uninsured clogged up the ER and that Medicaid expansion would alleviate this costly last resort.  The Oregon study refuted this assertion a number of years ago.  The Washington Post finally came around to those conclusions.  Here is an excerpt:  

“It would be nice if giving people insurance did get them so healthy and so much access to other care that they didn’t need to go to the emergency department, but that does not seem to be the case,” said Katherine Baicker, dean of the University of Chicago’s Harris School of Public Policy. “It seems clear to me that expanding insurance, in and of itself, does not contain spending. It increases spending, by giving people who had very limited access to care the ability to get their health-care needs met.”

Having insurance doesn’t lower the cost of healthcare either.  We’ve been saying that for years as well.  And what about preventive care?  Does that save money?  Apparently, not:

“It turns out, when you do the math, it’s just very tough to save money when you’re doing things to improve quality. It’s very hard to save a dollar when you spend a dollar,” said J. Michael McWilliams, a professor of health-care policy at Harvard Medical School. “Why has this become such a widespread notion — that we can sort of coordinate our way out of the cost problem? One reason is that it’s a much easier conversation to have: We can all subscribe to this notion of prevention saves money and care coordination saves money — and we don’t have to talk about regulating prices, or breaking up monopolies.”

The so-called Affordable Care Act isn’t so affordable.  This law actually created monopolies which exasperated healthcare cost.  But conservatives knew that.  We tried to warn them.  It’s unfortunate that we have to live through the dystopian world liberals have created for us.  It’s about damn time these mental patients checked their pants before they drag the rest of us through their looking glass.


Washington Post

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