Sunday, February 4, 2018

Deep State Threatens President Trump and Republican Congressmen

The deep state is freaking out. People who thought they could operate in the shadows without consequence are being exposed and they don’t like it. Some are lashing out. Fox News reported that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein threatened members of the House Intel Committee if they released a damning memo.

Gregg Jarrett: I can tell you a congressional source tells me that Rod Rosenstein in a meeting three weeks ago threatened Chairman Nunes and members of Congress he was going to subpoena their texts and messages because he was tired of dealing with the intel committee. That’s threats and intimidation.

A former CIA counterterrorism official threatened President Trump.

Former CIA counterterrorism official Phil Mudd: The FBI people "are ticked" and they'll be saying of Trump, “You’ve been around for 13 months. We've been around since 1908. I know how this game is going to be played. We're going to win" 

This is what happens when a country has eight years of a lawless administration. President Barack Obama had nothing but contempt for our elected representatives and by extension, the American people.

How many times did members of his administration stonewall or outright defy request and subpoenas from Congress? This kind of attitude bled down into the bureaucracies and now we have a deep state that believes it can violate our laws and possibly commit a coup. These are dangerous times for our republic.


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