Monday, March 19, 2018

Progressives "Reconstruct" Our Republican Form of Government

As a student of history, l can say with certainty that there has always been a faction in this country that strives to “Reconstruct” the citizenry into doctrinaires who’ll unquestionably accept their ideology. These fanatics believe they are endowed with superior intellect and we inferior beings must bend to their will. These people will do anything to achieve those ends.

The latest iteration of radicals, as we all know, are Progressives who’ll sink to any level to obtain power. Their latest tactic is to marginalize Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution which guarantees every state a republican form of government by attacking state legislatures and their rights under Article I, Section 4.

George Soros, the devil incarnate, is funding the National Democratic Redistricting Foundation which is chaired by gun runner, Eric Holder. The sole purpose for this organization is to employ rogue justices who’ll force state legislatures to forgo their constitutional prerogatives by accepting predetermined districts drawn by Progressives. North Carolina can attest to this unrelenting wave of lawsuits that challenge every state, federal and judicial district. This is happening in red states throughout the country including Texas. Here is an excerpt from State of the Nation:

With the help of hedge fund billionaire George Soros, the National Democratic Redistricting Committee hopes to wrest control from voters of congressional redistricting in 2021 when booming conservative states such as Texas will gain seats in the U.S. House of Representatives. All for the benefit of their special-interest donors.

That the first fundraisers for this self-described “super group” were held in San Francisco and Los Angeles reveals one of their goals: to reinstate Rep. Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House. But they aren’t stopping there.

Headed by former Attorney General Eric Holder, the tax-exempt 527 political action committee plans a three-pronged attack to flood state-level races with outside money, to leverage activist courts to wrest control of state redistricting plans, and finally, with the formidable community organizing prowess of former President Barack Obama, to fund astroturfed ballot initiatives in the guise offairness.”

Republicans had better wake-up and understand that we are in a political war and the stakes are much higher than obtaining an office at Capitol Hill. Our Republic is endanger and its time they fought back by dusting off and employing the Constitution of the United States.


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