Saturday, May 12, 2018

California Jumps the Bolshevik!

California has jumped the shark, or should I say Bolshevik? A Democratic assemblyman submitted a bill to drop President Washington or Lincoln’s birthday as a holiday in exchange for International Workers’ Day. The bill didn’t pass this time around. Here is what an American had to say:

“I’m aghast that a bill like this would be able to get through committee,” California Republican Assemblyman Matthew Harper said to the Assembly. “Are we in competition to be the laughing stock of the United States?”

“Are we going that far to the left?” Harper asked. “This is ridiculous; this is insane; this is un-American. And for folks who think that the U.S. won the Cold War with the Soviet Union, this makes it sound like we’re going in the other direction — that indeed California is kowtowing to the Soviet domination of the Cold War.”

California has gone beyond laughing stock. They are now in a state of rebellion. These people no longer want to be part of this union. And I for one am willing to let them go.


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