Sunday, May 6, 2018

Charlotte Rag's Hate and Vitriol Against 2020 Republican Convention

Rumor has it that Charlotte is a top contender to host the 2020 Republican National Convention. This bit of news has all the local libtards aflutter with consternation. Oh, the horror of hosting President Donald Trump. Here is what the Charlotte Observer’s editorial board had to say:

Charlotte appears to be one of three finalists, along with Las Vegas, for hosting the event, the Observer’s Steve Harrison reported on Friday. Las Vegas is used to gambling, of course, but for Charlotte this is too hefty a wager and too big a roll of the dice.

Liberal Democrats who reflexively reject the idea of hosting a Republican convention are blinded by ideology. National conventions put the nation’s eyes on the host city and attract tens of millions of dollars in direct spending. Charlotte knows that from its successful run with the Democratic National Convention in 2012. So Charlotte should eagerly pursue a Republican convention nominating Mitt Romney or Nikki Haley or John Kasich or really anyone – other than Trump.

Have you noticed the liberal media constantly dictates who our nominees should be? It’s really annoying. Worse is when they compare Republicans to Democrats. The DNC stiffed Duke Energy to the tune of $6 million. The customers and shareholders had to eat that guaranteed loan. Does anyone believe the RNC could get away with that? Of course not.

I would also like to remind the editorial board that Democrats displaced hundreds of poor families when their delegates booted them out of their hotel rooms. Then these people of compassion had the nerve to bad mouth our city. Talk about ingrates.

I find it laughable that the Disturber is worried about the reputation of Charlotte. This is the same city that became the laughingstock of the country because of this bathroom nonsense. But for some reason, the yahoos on the editorial board seem to think Republicans are the ones who’ve tainted North Carolina:

But Charlotte achieved that status some time ago, with the DNC in 2012 if not before. Hosting the RNC in 2020 wouldn’t give us much of a boost on that front, but it would bring considerable reputational risk. Love Trump or hate him, if he is the nominee the 2020 convention is going to be a divisive, polarizing, controversial affair, and Charlotte will be associated with all of it.

North Carolina’s reputation has already taken a severe dent from HB2 and other Republican legislative shenanigans. And many people assume wrongly that because Charlotte is a Southern city, it must be less than progressive and welcoming. How much bounce to our brand would we get from hosting what could be one of the most toxic conventions of our lifetimes?

Maybe that’s why so few cities went after this event. Only seven cities even took much of a look, officials say, and fewer than that went through a full application process. Compare that with the dozens of cities that have applied to host many previous conventions.

This is all assuming Trump is the nominee. If he weren’t, we’d be all in, but we won’t know that before a site decision is made this summer. So let Las Vegas have it, and take it as a sign of how far we’ve come that we don’t need to grovel for this vitriolic affair.

Welcoming? That’s laughable. You just told the President of the United States and millions of those who voted for him to stay away from your city. All the toxicity comes from the dirtbags in the Democratic Party and their propagandists in the media.

If the Charlotte Observer is worried about hate and vitriol, I say look to your own. What a bunch of scumbags.


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