Saturday, June 9, 2018

Eleven Year Old Child is Grand Marshall of Gay Pride Parade

What’s going on in California isn’t normal. There is a serious mental disorder happening out there and it seems to be spreading. The latest stupidity to come from Libtardland is an 11 year old Grand Marshall for a gay pride parade and this kids parents are proud of it. Here is an excerpt from the Daily Wire:

The month of June has come, which means a month-long celebration of LGBT Pride. This year, one Pride parade will make history by having the youngest Grand Marshal for the event ever: 11-year-old C.J. Duron.

According to HuffPo, the 11-year-old boy, a “gender creative” kid who goes by he/him pronouns, will “return to O.C. Pride in Santa Ana, California as the youngest grand marshal in Pride Month’s 48-year history.”

Lori Duron, C.J.’s mom says the presence of her 11-year-old child will send a message to all the “haters.”

“It’s sending a message to those haters who came out so strongly after last year’s pride that it doesn’t matter,” said Lori Duron. “We are still right here, supporting our son and loving him no matter what. It’s about him and making sure he’s happy and healthy and sure of who he is and able to be his most authentic self. It’s not about what they think or what they tweet.”

How is this not child abuse? James Woods put it succinctly in a tweet:
This is sweet. Wait until this poor kid grows up, realizes what you've done, and stuffs both of you dismembered into a freezer in the garage


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