Sunday, July 29, 2018
Welcome to Charlotte, North Carolina! Leave Your American Privilege at Home
Charlotte, North Carolina has the distinction of hosting the 2020 Republican National Convention and everyone in the area, especially conservatives, are apprehensive about the low-lifes this event will attract. No one is concerned about the delegates and their guest. No, what we’re worried about are the anarchists, communist, and teat squawkers that make-up the Democratic party. These people aren’t concerned about life, liberty and property. What they’re concerned about is shoving their ideology down our throats.
The convention is two years away and Progressives are already making demands. If Republicans come to Charlotte we must leave our “bigotry” at home. I just love being lectured to by a people who believe its okay to beat up Trump supporters and destroy or deface property that offends their delicate sensibilities. LIberals believe in tolerance as long as it’s on their terms. Their velvet glove techniques are notorious. Here is an excerpt from the latest Charlotte Observer op-ed written by Justin Perry, a tolerant liberal:
In addition to the eight white nationalists running for Congress, an N.C. GOP candidate has said that “God was a white Supremacist.” WRAL reports the fastest-growing gang population in North Carolina is white supremacist groups. CBS News reports hate crimes continue to be on the rise. Is this the “economic” anxiety that people said drove Republicans to Trump?
While integrating KKK mottos like “America First,” our president has described Latino immigrants as “infesting” our community and called African countries “shitholes.” The lack of loud and firm denouncements on the national level from non-lame duck GOP members of Congress speaks volumes.
Let’s not forget that Tony Perkins, who was recently appointed as a U.S. commissioner on International Religious Freedom, recently said we should have “never stopped criminalizing homosexuality.”
Tell me, how many of these issues relate to being fiscally conservative? How exactly does one exchange coffee and conversation with someone who wants them dead, incarcerated, or sees them as subhuman?
This is not about all Republicans. I work with and care for many people with whom I don’t agree politically, and I never have or will stop valuing their humanity. But I focus on people’s words and deeds, rhetoric and policy, and most important of all, their silence.
That’s why I invite our host committee and local GOP leadership to step up in a way that hasn’t occurred nationally. Publicly denounce all forms of racism, homophobia, anti-immigrant, anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim bigotry and hate, as things that are not welcome in Charlotte. Embrace the convention, but also embrace the opportunity to reclaim your party and protect Charlotte. Ending “divisiveness” will never occur as long as fundamental questions of humanity remain.
Eight GOP congressmen who are white nationalists? Since when has America First become a KKK slogan? I have no idea what this guy is talking about, but I’m sure he picked up this nonsense from Thinkprogress or some other libtard propaganda machine.
Mr. Perkins is basically telling the rest of us to shut our mouths. Anything he doesn’t agree with us on is racist, homophobic, anti-immigrant, anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim. And don’t you just love having a liberal lecture us on what our party platform should be? What else are we not allowed to talk about? How about welfare reform? Why that discriminates against the poor. What about Social Security? That’s just another way for Republicans to starve grandma and grandpa. It goes on and on and on with these people. They personalize everything right down to our bathrooms.
Maybe, liberals should put up a banner at the convention hall: Welcome to Charlotte, North Carolina! Leave Your American Privilege at Home.
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