Sunday, May 5, 2019

Democrats Gerrymander Districts by Hook, Crook or Judiciary

If there is one thing I admire about Democrats, it’s they don’t accept defeat and they’re always on the offensive. It doesn’t matter if they were soundly defeated, they’ll deny it to the very end. Can anyone say Georgia Democrat Stacey Abrams? Wow, this woman is delusional.

Not only are Democrats sore losers, they’re outright Machiavellian. Look at what Obama and the Clintons did to President Trump. I’m surprised he didn’t wake-up with a horse head at the foot of this bed. Unlike the mob, Democrats will go after after your friends and family too. General Michael Flynn can attest to that.

It doesn’t stop there. Democrats will not only ruin lives and reputations to gain power; they’ll use the courts to gerrymander districts. We witnessed this firsthand in North Carolina. Now, it’s Ohio’s turn.

“The court issued a meticulously detailed opinion, concluding that Ohio’s map was an unconstitutional partisan gerrymander, and ordered the state to enact a new remedial plan by June 14,” said Freda Levenson of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Ohio. “This opinion, declaring Ohio an egregiously gerrymandered state, completely validates every one of our claims and theories in every respect.”

Republicans hold 12 of Ohio’s 16 congressional districts. The plaintiffs say GOP legislative aides drew the current map after the 2010 census with careful guidance from national Republicans and former House Speaker John Boehner, whose 8th district encompassed suburban Cincinnati and the state’s rural stretches on the Indiana border. Their goal, the plaintiffs charge, was to entrench a Republican majority in the state congressional delegation for a decade.

Well, isn’t that what Democrats are doing? Aren’t they using liberal judges to gerrymander districts to their advantage? I guess it’s okay for a black-robed thug to sanction maps, instead of a duly elected General Assembly as mandated by the U.S. Constitution.

Elections are supposed to have consequences, except if you’re a Democrat. They’ll win one way or another, whether it be hook, crook or judiciary.


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