Sunday, May 12, 2019

"One Man, One Vote" Obliterates Counties as a Political Unit

The more radical the Democratic party becomes, the more ways they look to fix elections. One only has to look to North Carolina to see the latest tactics employed by activists. This is a battleground state and all is fair game to these people, including the rule of law. Democrats went so far as to employ District Court judges to introduce a “special master” that redrew federal and state congressional districts, which is a completely lawless act. Since that didn’t work, they are now introducing bills to amend our constitution. Here is an excerpt from the Civitas Institute:

It seems that vain hope springs eternal, because just such a bill has been referred to the NC House Committee on Redistricting. Senate Bill 641 would enshrine a redistricting commission in the NC Constitution and change the constitution’s rules for redistricting. Its primary sponsors are Ashton Wheeler Clemmons (D – Guilford), John Autry (D – Mecklenburg), Allison A. Dahle (D – Wake), and Charles Graham (D – Robeson). The redistricting proposal is one part of a bigger wish list of liberal changes to North Carolina’s elections contained in the bill, which has also been presented in the House as H574.

There are no Republicans among the House bill’s 17 sponsors, a sign that it has no chance of becoming law this session. Still, it does offer insight into what may happen if Democrats are able to win majorities in the General Assembly in the 2020 elections.

When Democrats introduce a bill, we must pay close attention to its language. As of now, the law declares senate districts must be contiguous and that counties cannot be divided. The language in the Democrat’s bill simply states this is merely a goal. That should ring alarm bells.

Their stated goal is the anti-republican mantra of “One man, one vote.” In other words, urban domination of the state of North Carolina and the obliteration of counties as a political unit. Here is NCpedia’s definition of a county:

A county, as a defined geographic subdivision of the state, serves many purposes. Churches, civic clubs, and other societal institutions use counties as convenient subdivisions for their own purposes. The business world may assign sales territories and franchises to areas composed of one or more counties. The county may play a role in the psychology of people born and raised "in the country" - it serves to establish where they are from and who they are, thus becoming a part of their personal identity. But the county was created in the first instance by the state as a political unit, and this remains its primary purpose.

The Democratic party is using “One man, one vote” to run roughshod over age-old political boundaries such as counties. Their main constituents live in big cities whose values contradict, or are outright hostile to rural citizens. In order to dominate this state, they must obliterate conservative strongholds. They will do this by employing unelected and unaccountable “special masters” who’ll redraw congressional districts.

The end result: small towns will become subservient to large urban areas. They will lose their voice in the halls of Congress and our General Assembly. That is the goal of “One man, one vote.”


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