Monday, May 27, 2019

President Trump Seals off Iran in Obama's Wonderland

There were times during the Obama administration that completely mystified me. As an American, who believes in our creed, his eight year reign was an assault on common sense and decency. Everything was muddled or completely ass-backwards.

I could go on a tangent about this Alice in Wonderland era in American history; but instead, I’ll focus on one particular foreign policy issue that makes absolutely no sense, whatsoever, and that is Iran.

Iran is an implacable enemy. How do I know that? Because their regime declares it every Friday after prayers! Their buildings are covered in anti-American murals. Their leaders spew hate at every forum available, and they fund terrorist groups around the world. It’s not that difficult to understand, unless you’re a liberal.

So what kind of a moron gives an apocalyptic regime $150 billion, opens up the world’s market to them, while completely ignoring the advice of our allies in the region. Why, of course, the Obama administration and all the dunces in the State Department; that’s who.

The Iranian regime was on the cusp of prosperity without the benefit of peace. This regime couldn’t believe their fortune. Americans elected either a fool, or a traitor as president and he ended up populating our bureaucracies who are just as foolish and traitorous as he.

But luck ran out. A true American was elected president and he believes in our creed. President Donald Trump reversed this asinine policy and now the Iranian regime, along with their terrorist networks, are on the ropes. Here is an excerpt from Fox News:

Newly declassified intelligence shows that Palestinian terror group Hamas had to introduce “austerity plans” due to lack of funding from the Iranian regime.

State Department officials say the intelligence that was shared exclusively with Fox News reveals Tehran’s diminishing resources and influence within the region, prompting cutbacks among groups backed by the regime.

This comes amid a tough sanctions regime introduced by the U.S., which sent the country into a recession, with inflation topping 50 percent.

Due to lack of funding from Iran, Hamas had to introduce “austerity plans” while other Shia militia groups were told by Iran that they need to find other sources of revenue as Iran is no longer in a position to provide them the funds.

This coincided with Lebanon-based Hezbollah’s calls on social media to donate to piggy banks. The group apparently used even children to attract contributions.

Wow! Common sense shouldn’t be a surprise, but after eight years of Obama and his stupidity, one is shocked to learn we left Wonderland.


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