Thursday, May 2, 2019

The Night King Commands Snowflake Generation

Winter is coming!

Snowflakes around the country are throwing tantrums over statues and paintings that offend their delicate sensibilities. Our founding fathers, who are responsible for the liberties we enjoy, are under attack by a generation of ingrates. These summer children have fallen prey to an evil influence that wish to destroy our history and humanity.

The news is filled with libtard absurdities. Take a look around. The country is inundated with snowflake blizzards: students at Hofstra University defaced a statue of Thomas Jefferson; special interest groups in Northern California demand murals of George Washington be removed, and who can forget the fiasco over a Robert E. Lee statue in Charlottesville, Virginia. One is practically snowblind by stupidity.

I believe it is safe to assume that this snowflake generation are fans of Game of Thrones; assuming mommy and daddy subscribe to HBO. We recently found out the true purpose of the Night King. Here is an excerpt from

“He wants to erase this world, and I am its memory.”

About halfway through “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms,” Bran tells the assembled Winterfell Avengers that the Night King isn’t simply set on destroying humankind. He is, very specifically, after our beetle-browed young seer.

The war council accepts this explanation at face value. “That’s what death is, isn’t it?” marvels Sam. “Forgetting. Being forgotten. If we forget where we’ve been and what we’ve done, we’re not men anymore. Just animals.”

I wonder if these progressive zombies and their Antifa shock troops see the irony in the Game of Thrones’ Night King and his quest to destroy humanity’s memory. His quest seems to coincide with their own.


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