Saturday, July 6, 2019

Democratic Patriotism Based on Strongman Politics

Another Fourth of July passes, and once again, we patriots are subjected to a litany of abuse and revisionist crap that historically illiterate chimps gleefully throw. When God created opposable thumbs, I don’t believe he had shit slinging in mind. I can just imagine what a UV light would expose on the keyboards and monitors of some of these editorial boards. What a nightmare.

While we were commemorating our independence, Progressives were screaming from the top of their lungs that America was never great; that we should be ashamed of our founding, and our perceived atrocities. According to these nutjobs, our independence rang the death knell of planet Earth.

You would think with that kind of vitriol, we would experience a mass migration from the United States. If Liberals truly believed their own rhetoric, why do they stay? After all,who would want to live in this evil Death Star?

The fact is, their love for country is not based on our founding principles, but rather, on what party controls Washington D.C. Here is an excerpt from Breitbart News:

Even though Gallup shows a correlation between levels of patriotism and which party controls the White House, the level of pride among Democrats since Trump took office is exponentially low. During the administration of President George W. Bush, the percent of Democrats expressing extreme pride in their country never fell under 46 percent. In comparison, during the presidency of Barack Obama the share of Republicans identifying as extremely proud to be American never dropped below 68 percent.

This is why Democrats are aiding and abetting this third-world invasion. They have an affinity with a culture and people who embrace strongman politics.


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