Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Fight Against Obamacare Is On.

While Nancy Pelosi and her confederates are trying to ram Obamacare down the American peoples’ throat, the people are beginning to fight back. The gauntlet has been thrown on the ground and the fight over individual liberty, states rights, and the reinstatement of a limited federal government has begun.

The latest to join the fight is Walgreens. They announced that its stores in Washington State will not serve new Medicaid patients after April 16. The reimbursement rate for medications is too low and costing the chain store money. Walgreens joins two other pharmacies in that state to opt out of the government program.

The medical profession is beginning to speak out on this government monstrosity. The democrats would have us believe that with the endorsement of the American Medical Association, the industry as a whole backs Obamacare. When in fact the AMA represents only 18% and is losing members daily.

The New England Journal of Medicine published a survey in which 46% of primary care physicians would quit or retire if Obamacare became law. Investors Business Daily published an IBD/TIPP poll in September of 2009 and produced the following result:

• Four of nine doctors, or 45%, said they "would consider leaving their practice or taking an early retirement" if Congress passes the plan the Democratic majority and White House have in mind.

More than 800,000 doctors were practicing in 2006, the government says. Projecting the poll's finding onto that population, 360,000 doctors would consider quitting.

A defection of this many doctors would create a crisis. We would have to follow the example of Great Britain and import doctors from third world countries whose ideologue and religious beliefs are antagonistic to western civilization. I’m talking primarily of Muslims. These Muslim doctors have been known to refuse medical care to Jews, and some have even plotted terrorist attacks on the host country. To invite this kind of immigrant is just asking for trouble.

One of the most repugnant items in the health care bill is a mandate that all citizens buy health insurance. Nowhere in the Constitution does the federal government have the authority to require an individual to buy a product. The states are stepping up and passing laws that would stop such an outrage. A list of states is enumerated by Scott Nance, publisher of On the Hill:

The Freedom of Choice in Health Care Act has already been filed or prefiled in 33 states—Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming, ALEC says in a statement. Lawmakers in an additional four states—Montana, North Carolina, Rhode Island, and Utah—have publicly announced their intentions to file the legislation. A citizen-led initiative has also been announced in Colorado, the organization adds.

The democrats and their grasping of power have awakened a sleeping giant. Obama was right that his presidency would fundamentally change America. We are going to change it back to what our founding fathers envisioned, and not the Marxist utopia that he wants our country to be.


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