Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Health Care Is A Right?

Dennis Kucinich announced that he is in support of passing the senates health care bill through a parliamentary trick known as ‘deem and pass’. The freakish looking, cartoon character gave his life story before finally announcing his support.

Kucinich was initially against the bill because it did not provide a government option. According to this Mickey Mouse impersonator, health care is an unalienable right. Our founding fathers would be surprised at such a proclamation, since it was omitted from our Declaration of Independence. I had to check it a couple of times; and I could not find it anywhere! Somebody should tell this pint sized troll.

I wonder what other rights our founding fathers forgot to include in the Declaration of Independence. Do I have a right to fart in small, enclosed spaces while other people are around? I should… it’s my space too. Don’t I have a right to share the fruits of my labor? I know the government feels entitled to its share of my property and earnings; Dennis Kucinich certainly does. How else are we going to pay for this socialist monstrosity?

These spoiled brats...these self-indulgent Marxist will sink to any level to deceive the public so as to have power over us. They will parade a long line of victims to guilt people into supporting their bill, and the Constitution be damned. And the stories of these “victims” are not entirely true. They had alternatives either thru Medicaid or through private charities that could and would help them. Everyone that the democrats held up as an example had ties to an interest group that patrons their party.

No one is denied health care in this country. But we Americans are about to lose life, liberty, and property; so these megalomaniacs can thump their chest and proudly proclaim that they stuck it to the insurance companies, when the real villains are those who stroll through the halls of congress

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