Friday, March 5, 2010

McCain Upset Over Hayworth Ad

J.D. Hayworth's new campaign ad has ruffled the feathers of John McCain. McCain has accused Hayworth of demeaning Native Americans by painting his face in blue:

Regardless, McCain is demanding that Hayworth apologize.
"Ex-Congressman J.D. Hayworth should immediately apologize and take down his latest online ad, which is an outrageous offense to John McCain's lifetime of honorable service to our state and nation, and insulting to Native Americans here in Arizona and across America," McCain campaign manager Shiree Verdone said Thursday in a written statement.

"Mr. Hayworth is welcome to debate the challenges facing our state and nation, but this kind of character assassination has no place in the Republican Party, and Mr. Hayworth should be ashamed of his campaign for running it," she wrote

Nice try Senator McCain. We all know what that ad means, including you. You act like a conservative when it's time for re-election, then stab us in the back as soon as you're safely ensconced in the halls of congress.

Good luck J.D., I hope Arizona kicks this RINO out of office.

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