Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Death of our Republic

It didn’t happen overnight, and yet it didn’t take long for it to happen. We are losing our republic. Our founding fathers established a nation that would ensure a maximum amount of liberty by putting limitations on a central government. They knew that the natural tendencies of men and government were to accumulate power onto themselves.

Now we have huge bureaucracies that are being established in Washington D.C. with the power to reach into our everyday lives. They have become modern day barons, and we're the serfs who give them a reason to get up in the morning.

It was Woodrow Wilson who provided the vision for today’s America. He envisioned a politics-administrative model where Congress would act as the political wing of the federal government and the executive branch and its army of bureaucrats would establish policy. It’s they who would make the rules and regulate every facet of our lives, whether we liked it or not; and the Constitution be damned.

Congress has willingly abrogated their responsibilities. They pass 2500 page bills without reading them, while creating new agencies to interpret the monstrosity they gave birth too. These bureaucrats make the rules and have the force of law to see them through.

The Progressives are reaping the fruits of their labor and we the people were too busy toiling in the fields to see it coming. A coup d’état has taken place in America and not one shot was fired.

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