Sunday, July 11, 2010

Democrats Have "Final Solution" for Entitlement Programs

Social Security was created in 1935. The age of eligibility was at the time 65. Life expectancy for males was 58.1 and for females it was 61.6 years of age. The federal government from the very beginning was banking on its citizens to die off before they could collect. To their chagrin, people are living longer than what was anticipated. Now, the fund is running red and the geniuses on Capitol Hill are trying to figure out a way to stop the bleeding.

Today the Social Security benefit retirement age is 66 for people born from 1943 to 1954; those born in 1960 or later will get full benefits at age 67. Now, our elected representatives want to raise the retirement age to 70 in an effort to keep the New Deal program viable. They are basically hoping that you will not live long enough to collect.

The baby boomer generation is the most selfish generation that this nation has had the misfortune to give birth too. It is they who have implemented disastrous government programs and spending that will burden future generations to come.

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) stated the following:

“We’re lying to ourselves and our children if we say we can maintain our current levels of entitlement spending, defense spending and taxation without bankrupting our country,” he said.

“We could and should consider a higher retirement age or one pegged to life span, more progressive Social Security and Medicare benefits, and a stronger safety net for the Americans who need it the most.”

Well, what do you know, a moment of lucidity from one of the chief spendthrifts on Capitol Hill.

Don’t worry; the Democrats are engineering a more “progressive” system to deal with the aged and infirm. The appointment of Dr. Donald Berwick, who believes in rationing health care, has a “final solution” for those pesky seniors who refuse to die. Dr. Death will ensure the survival of the entitlement programs; even if you don’t.

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