Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tick Tock, Simpleton -- Only Three Short Months to Go

I found this on Dewey from Detroit blog. It seems that Michiganders are awakening to the 'Great Betrayal' by Democratic politicians and their union leaders. We can only hope.

Syoung809132001: The Voice of the People

Neoneocon found this commenter’s cri du Coeur deep inside the Washington Post’s long stream of comments castigating the Journolist quislings it still keeps on the payroll. I've corrected the spelling and punctuation and added paragraphing for pacing. Otherwise I have changed "Syoung809132001" words not one whit.

These words are long, strong, worth reading and absorbing. This is Whitman’s “barbaric yawp sounded over the roofs of the world.” This is an American Citizen speaking, and it is the sound and sign of Democracy awakened. It is the voice of the people betrayed:

I urge the new Republicans who are now running to reach out to the unions. We are weary. We know we are a big part of the problem and we are ready to compromise and work together.

Hell, I used to buy all of the spin. I am guilty of doing too little research and just toeing the party line because I was too busy. I’ve got plenty of time now. I’ve got plenty of will now. To say I regret all of the above doesn’t do it justice.

However, as a penance for the error of my ways, I am willing to take any kind of pay cut, benefit cut, furlough, whatever just to be able to feed my family and not have to worry about the bills and the roof over our heads. I am willing to cut whatever corners are necessary, learn whatever new skill is required to just get people working again.

If I never have to hear the words GREEN JOBS from my governor’s mouth again I would fall on my knees in gratitude. Fancy ideas, cotton candy spun dreams do not materialize into real paying jobs.

Our entire state of Michigan was sacrificed to the green job pie in the sky promise. Michigan now resembles a third world country. Whatever it takes, with whatever party candidate who has a realistic, adult answer will get our union votes.

The rose colored glasses are gone, I am turning accusing eyes at my so called “advocates” and I am bringing a hell of a lot of people with me.

I am an adult. Speak to me as an adult. Do not whine and point a finger of blame at a minority party for your own failure. ADULTS admit when they have made a mistake.

It is becoming clear to me who the irresponsible children are who go on a crazy “who cares” spending spree, and then become irritated when the people aren’t appreciative of their irresponsibility. And it is apparent who the adults are who are standing up screaming: “NO! STOP! YOU IDIOTS!” We will soon see which side the majority of the electorate is on.

I only regret I have one vote to cast. It is a dog eat dog world out there and the Democrat party wrote their own obituary with their utter foolishness. I played a part in that foolishness. I regret it utterly, but thankfully a tragic and deep lesson has been learned. If nothing else, I am grateful to be awake, thinking on my own, and seeing the light for the first time. It is a miniscule silver lining to a very dark cloud.

And here is the same commenter again, a bit earlier (at 11:53:50 AM on the same day, addressing the author of the article where he’s commenting, Ezra Klein who, in his callow way is trying to convince all and sundry that the recession is over and happy days are here again):

This is really pathetic, how old is Ezra Klein?

PLEASE be sure to head over to Michigan’s ghost towns, boarded up shops, and empty parking lots. See the lines teeming at the unemployment offices. See people lined up for food stamps and tell all of those people that the “slow recovery is right on schedule.”

What a complete and out of touch idiot -- one of many tone deaf, over confident fools that seem to make up our media nowadays; the same media who will be stunned speechless when the auto workers of this country turn on the Democratic party, and either vote Republican as a protest, or don’t even show up to vote at all.

We are everywhere in this country, but mostly we are in the blue states. We are beyond fed up with promises. We are beyond fed up with being taken for granted by our non-representing representatives. And we are determined to make a deafening exclamation point at the ballot box on Nov.2.
After being unemployed for nearly two years, I am over the blame game of GOP versus DEM. Who in the heck cares?

It is clearly obvious that NEITHER party has the answer. I am game to vote in someone who has EXPERIENCE RUNNING A BUSINESS, has never served in Congress, isn’t reading a speech off of a teleprompter that someone else wrote, and doesn’t REEK of the stench of corruption.

Maybe that person will rise above the pettiness -- “They are the party of no-wah - we only have a supermajority” -- and for a change do something that WORKS!

I have been a Democrat all of my life. I am a union worker in a generation of union workers. My entire family are union workers. We are all Democrats. Not a one of us has even the slightest problem voting against the democratic party, The democratic party doesn’t exist anymore. We don’t recognize it, we don’t like it, we don’t buy what they’re selling and very soon WE will be giving THEM a pink slip.

And then this, today, in response to the craven Matt Yglesias’ evil and overwhelmingly dense Welcome to the summer of fear .

Pure and utter drivel, Sir.

Let me see if I get this straight: If I disagree IN ANY WAY with the Obama administration, I am either a racist (courtesy of the black caucus), a xenaphobe. (According to Mayor Bloomberg and the other reptilious NY politicians), simply too stupid to understand the complexity of the issue (repeat that again, Reid or Joe Biden?).

This is absolutely hilarious and speaks of a "high schooly" clique of "group think."

Let us come up with a new word that will be in much use come Novemember 2, 2010: OBLITERATION,

We will look back at that once vaunted political party inappropriately named "Democrat" and tsk-tsk while shaking our heads in wonder at the sheer buffoonery of a man with the spine of a ham sandwich for a president; a senate majority leader who single handedly bankrupted his own state of jobs, evicted a huge swath of his constituents with his rubberstamping of an agenda of failed fiscal policies and socialist ideals the country rejected; a speaker of the house so universally loathed that her approval ratings seldom make it out of the teens, a woman who spends taxpayer money like water on libations, flights, bon bons and God knows what else for her friends and family; a congress that acts like pompous sniveling pantywaists worthy of the court at Versailles. Add to them a media with yearlings such as Klein who can't be more than a score and 5 years old; Krugman who is so rabid that only the most lack-wit lemmings put any credence into his overly inflated tripe, and the estimable Dionne, who can be depended on to toss out the race card on, at the very least, a weekly basis.

We will point out a wax doll in a museum of the species titled "Democrat", chuckle to our children, and say, "Child, THIS is what happens to those who underestimate the American people. Should you grow up and try such folly, you too, will one day be an oddity, to be pointed at, mocked, and thoroughly despised as well."

DEAREST Matt, I recall your name on the JOURNOLIST. Please do get back to your partners in crime at the new, but not improved CABALIST, and relay our fondest wishes and the unfortunate news that the gig is up. One has that most fabulous invention called the Internet, where we can do the most amazing trick. We can go from blog to blog, or to this site called Real Clear politics, where we can read 20 articles from different papers AND see the JOURNOLIST talking points in each one, and who the constant repeat offenders are.

Tick tock, simpleton -- only three short ,short months to go.

Source: Dewey from Detroit


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