Monday, August 9, 2010

Tyranny by Judiciary

California’s proposition 8 was overturned last week by a federal judge. The equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment was again cited. This amendment is the most abused; if not the most misinterpreted amendment in jurisprudence history.

The 14th Amendment was established to guarantee ex-slaves and their progeny citizenship and due process. It was not established for illegals to come over our border and drop their anchor babies; nor was it established for the federal government to become the overlords of the states. Now every state that amended their constitution that defined a marriage is between one man and one woman can now be considered “unconstitutional”, because one judge doesn’t know his history.

Senator Lindsay Graham stated in a recent interview that we have to address the 14th Amendment.

Many are saying that we have to go through the amendment process. No we don’t! All we need is the court; congress; or a president to stand up and say the 14th amendment has been misinterpreted: the courts were wrong. And if they don’t have the balls to do what is right, the states must use nullification to right the abuses of the federal government.

Elena Kagan was just sworn in to the Supreme Court. She is the epitome of an activist judge.

We are now living in a country that is under tyranny by judiciary.

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