Friday, November 2, 2012

Americans Must Counter the Progressives' Bolshevik Revolution

The 2012 general election is going to determine what kind of nation we are to become.  Will Barack Obama and his children of the corn acolytes turn the citizens of this country into slaves for his bureaucratic state; or will the counter-revolutionaries prevail against this Bolshevik regime?

If Romney wins, the movement must continue on.  Just because one tyrant has been ousted from office doesn’t prevent the next one down the road.  No, we must dismantle this unconstitutional administrative state.  What we have in Washington D.C. is an affront to our founding principles.  The Progressives have successfully transformed our country into a socialist European backwater.  And soon – if we don’t act – we will become just like Greece.

Where do we begin?  First, we must repeal the 14th Amendment.  This amendment has conferred unprecedented powers upon the Federal Government.  The 10th Amendment has never been repealed, yet the 14th has rendered it meaningless.  A federal judge has more power than the State governments.  This is not what our federative system is about.  We as a people have a right to self-government; and dictates by a magistrate is an affront to those principles.
Second, the 14th Amendment was forced upon the South by vindictive radicals.  Thaddeus Stevens summed up the attitude of a northern legislator.  Here is an excerpt from The Tragic Era - The Revolution After Lincoln:

These academic moralists had irked the practical politician from Lancaster intolerable, and in closing the debate he shocked them with frank admissions.  Adopt the third section, he said, or ‘that side of the House will be filled with yelling secessionists and hissing copperheads.’  This section or nothing!  Party motive?  ‘I do not hesitate to say at once that section is there to save or destroy the Union [Republican] Party.’  Better were it the year 18,070 instead of 1870, for until that remote future ‘every rebel who shed the blood of loyal men should be prevented from exercising any power in this government.’  Clawing with bony fingers among his papers, he found and held up a report – ‘the screams and groans of the dying victims of Memphis.’

A colleague interrupted to ask if Stevens could build a penitentiary big enough to hold eight million people. 
‘Yes’ – and Stevens’ voice cut the air like a saw – ‘a penitentiary which is built at the point of the bayonet down below, and if they undertake to come here we will shoot them down.’

The third section in the 14th Amendment excluded all the participants in the rebellion from obtaining national office, which was practically the whole white population.  However, a provision was passed – against Stevens vehement protestations – giving Congress the authority by two-thirds majority to remove this detriment.

The 14th Amendment was designed to punish the Southern states and its citizens; and to keep radical partisans in power.  From this foundation, federal tyrants have built a penitentiary to house all Americans and not just long dead Confederate rebels.  

H/T: video NC Renegade   

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