Friday, November 2, 2012

Hurricane Sandy Transforms the American Northeast

Hey America, welcome to what a total transformation looks like.  The Northeast is tragically living out Obama’s dreams from his father.  People are standing in lines for gas; dumpster diving for food; and freezing to death for want of electricity.  In the meantime, the political elites are parading their fake commiseration around, while supplying the media with supersized generators.  After all, we don’t want those elites to suffer the vicissitudes of Mother Nature while reporting on a marathon.  Oh, I forgot.  Hurricane Sandy was a man-made event just like this race.  What in the hell was I thinking?
And for intermission at this theater of the absurd, utility workers traveled all the way from Alabama to help out the good people of New Jersey, only to be harassed and ran out of town by union workers.  Obamaville will freeze over before “scabs” are allowed to work.  And by the way, you Jerseyite plebeians will shut your mouths and enjoy your collective misery.  This is the new norm and you will like it.

For what it’s worth Northeasterners, we toothless inbreeds in flyover country feel your pain.  Maybe this election cycle your village won’t vote for the idiot to run things – just saying.   


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