Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Transnationalist Demand Amnesty, Undermine National Sovereignty

It wasn’t so long ago, the Washington D.C. creatures tried to shove amnesty down our throats.  The American people stood up and shamed those politicians who dared to reward a group of people who have demonstrated their disregard for our laws and sovereignty.

A decade hasn’t passed, and the same people are at it again.  One vociferous advocate for amnesty is the Chamber of Commerce.  President and CEO, Tom Donohue, held a press conference demanding our elected officials do something to legitimize these illegal alien diasporas.  Here is the video.

A while back, I read Samuel P. Huntington’s book:  Who Are We?  The Challenges to America’s National Identity.   In it he addressed the motives and aspirations of transnational elites, whom have no allegiance to a nation state.  They see themselves as global citizens.  Here is an excerpt:

Economic transnationals are the nucleus of an emerging global superclass.  “As debates about global economic integration rage on, at least one of its effects has become clear,” the Global Business Policy Council asserts.  “The rewards of an increasingly integrated global economy have brought forth new global elite.  Labeled ‘Davos Men,’ ‘gold –collar workers’ or … ‘cosmocrats,’ this emerging class is empowered by new notions of global connectedness.  It includes academics, international civil servants, and executives in global companies, as well as successful high-technology entrepreneurs.”  Estimated to number about 20 million in 2000, of whom 40 percent were American, this elite is expected to double in size by 2010.  Less than 4 percent of the American people, these transnationals have little need for national loyalty, view national boundaries as obstacles that thankfully are vanishing, and see national governments as residues from the past whose only useful function now is to facilitate the elite’s global operations.  In the coming years, one corporate executive confidently predicted, “the only people who will care about national boundaries are politicians.”

Isn’t it interesting that Professor Huntington mentions “Davos Men”?  One of the biggest advocates for amnesty in the U.S. Senate is Senator John McCain.  Here he is with George Soros at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

Transnationalism is being taught at our colleges and universities.  Here is another excerpt, this time demonstrating academia’s role in undermining our sovereignty:

Professor Martha Nussbaum of the University of Chicago denounced emphasis on “patriotic pride” as “morally dangerous,” urged the ethical superiority of cosmopolitanism over patriotism, and argued that people should direct their “allegiance” to the “world community of human beings.”  Professor Amy Gutmann of Princeton argued that it was “repugnant” for American students to learn that they are, “above all, citizens of the United States or to some other politically sovereign community,” but to “democratic humanism.”  Professor Richard Sennett of New York University denounced “the evil of a shared national identity” and judged the erosion of national sovereignty “basically a positive phenomenon.”  Professor George Lipsitz of the University of California, San Diego, argued that “in recent years refuge in patriotism has been the first resort of scoundrels of all sorts.”  Professor Cecilia O’Leary of American University saw the articulation of American patriotism as right-wing, militaristic, male, white, Anglo, and repressive.  Professor Betty Jean Craige of the University of Georgia also attacked patriotism because of its association with military prowess.  Professor Peter Spiro of Hofstra University approvingly concluded that it is “increasingly difficult to use the word “we” in the context of international affairs.”   In the past people used the word “we” with reference to the nation-state, but now affiliation with the nation-state “no longer necessarily defines the interest or even allegiance of the individual at the international level.”

Transnationalists view our notions of citizenship and national sovereignty as antiquated and puerile.  They have as much regard for Americans as the 20 million illegals who have invaded our country.

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