Monday, May 19, 2014

A Napoleon Marshal is Buried in Rural North Carolina?

I discovered something astonishing while reading a history of a prominent family in North Carolina’s Piedmont region.  The Torance family (there are various spellings of this name) settled in northern Mecklenburg County in the mid 1700’s. They were prosperous business owners.  And as you can expect, success provides amenities.  One of those amenities is having a private tutor.  That teacher was Marshal Ney.

Peter Stewart Ney served in Napoleons Grand Army.  He was considered “The bravest of the brave,” and one of Napoleon’s favorites.  Marshal Ney was in charge of the rear-guard during the retreat from Russia in the War of 1812.  He also led the disastrous cavalry charge at the battle of Waterloo.  After Napoleon’s defeat, Marshal Ney was executed for treason via firing squad; so they say.  Here is picture of his grave in France:

Here is his grave at Third Creek Presbyterian Church in Rowan County, North Carolina:

Two graves for one man, such is the legend of Marshal Peter Stewart Ney.


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