Thursday, May 15, 2014

Liberals Demand Political Religious Test for Public Office

The U.S. Constitution specifically prohibits religious test as a qualifier for obtaining public office.  However, liberals have a completely different form of religion than what our founding fathers envisioned.  Political ideology is the Democratic Party’s god.  They have deemed it heresy to have a different point of view from them.  And they want to silence us.  One of their global warming priests has made that proposal.  Truth Revolt reported the following:

Chris Hayes thinks politicians who don't accept global warming theory or gay marriage should be disqualified from holding office.
 On his MSNBC show "All In" Hayes made the astounding assertion after discussing multiple "disqualifying" views with a panel including former New York Times columnist Bob Herbert, Christina Bellantoni, editor-in-chief of Roll Call, and Richard Kim, executive editor of
 Newsbusters has the transcript which shows how this cadre of progressives appoint themselves the enlightened few who can determine which views are worthy of public discussion and which are to be agreed upon without debate. As Paul Bremmer points out in his article, "Hayes has stumbled upon a new way to squelch debate in this country and pave the way for liberal domination of American political thought."

Soon, these totalitarians will have dissenters wearing identifiers on their clothing, and then ship us off to some dark corner of the world in order to be liquidated.

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