Thursday, May 15, 2014

Liberals to Demand Voter ID for Children's Choice Book Awards?

Last night, Rush Limbaugh won the Children's Choice Book Award for best author, and libtard heads are exploding all around the country.  First, they tried to have his nomination revoked.  After that failed, they accused the Children’s Book Council of being shills for right-wing ideology.  Now, after Mr. Limbaugh won, they are making accusations of vote fixing.  Here is an excerpt from the Associated Press:

Nominees for best author are determined by how many copies their books sell, while the winners are supposedly picked by kids, who vote online. But executive director Robin Adelson of the Children's Book Council and Every Child a Reader, nonprofit organizations that co-founded the awards seven years ago, acknowledged Thursday that adults could easily vote and vote multiple times, a problem not uncommon for Internet competitions.
"Every one of our finalists gets fake votes every year," Adelson told The Associated Press. "We like to think that's the enthusiasm of adults who love children's books."
Adelson cited three ways that people can vote: a widget that can be embedded in such popular kids' websites as, a link on the awards website ( that allows individuals to vote and a link on the awards site that allows teachers, librarians and others to submit bulk votes on behalf of their institution.
Adelson said she doubted that parents or other grown-ups were voting through Poptropica, but acknowledged the awards site was more likely to be manipulated. An individual voter can vote multiple times and does not need to provide a verifiable email address or proof of his or her age. Bulk voters are required to submit a verifiable email, but there is no guarantee that a given teacher or librarian is really expressing the wishes of others.

So what’s next?  Are liberals going to demand children provide voter ID’s in order to participate in future awards.  I wouldn’t put it past them.  In the meantime, they consider it sacrilege to hold the same kind of standards when electing public officials.

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