Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Deny Federal Government Workers the Right to Vote

Residents of Washington D.C. are complaining they don’t have representation in Congress.  They want statehood.  The U.S. Senate has scheduled hearings to decide whether or not the country will allow two permanent Democratic Party operatives to infest the upper chamber.

Statehood for a federal enclave is laughable.  Washington D.C. is run by Congress. They couldn’t ask for more representation.  As a matter of fact, that town has spread its tentacles into Virginia and Maryland.  Federal government bureaucrats are slowly contaminating the eastern seaboard.

I have a better idea.  All federal nonmilitary government employees should be disqualified from participating in federal elections.  That includes federal contractors and lobbyist.  Their livelihood is dependent upon taking money from American citizens and dispensing it amongst themselves.  Better yet, all teat squawkers should be excluded from the vote.

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