Saturday, November 15, 2014

It's Good to be a Federal Government Employee

It pays to be a federal government worker.  You get to stay home and get paid for doing absolutely nothing.  Hell, you can take off years and collect a check.  The Washington Examiner reported the following:

The federal government has shelled out more than $700 million in paid leave to more than 57,000 employees who were home from work for time periods stretching from one month to three years, a Government Accountability Office report has found.
In a 62-page report published Monday, the GAO analyzed why so many federal employees were home and getting paid for such long periods of time and they discovered a variety of reasons. 
In many cases, employees were home awaiting the outcome of investigations into alleged misconduct and criminal actions. Some racked up paid leave for “physical fitness activities,” and others were away from work seeking professional development. Employees also took paid leave for “recuperation” from overseas work.
Hundreds of federal employees remained at home, collecting a paycheck, for years.
The report found that during a three-year period beginning in 2011, 263 employees remained on paid leave for one to three years at a cost of $31 million.
In some cases, about five percent of the time, the federal government couldn’t come up with a reason why some employees were home on paid leave.
Overall, paid leave for federal government workers, excluding holidays, cost billions of dollars from 2011 to 2013, the GAO report found, but comprised less than one percent of all federal government salaries paid during that time period.

Try pulling that crap in the private sector.  It must be good to be a federal government employee.


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