Saturday, November 15, 2014

Democratic Policies Responsible for Shrinking Middle-Class

We’ve all heard the accusation by liberals that Americans, particularly lower and middle-class, are parochial.  We’re just not sophisticated enough to understand the ways of the world.  So we’ve been told.

I, on the other hand, wonder what kind of country liberals are trying to turn us into.  They obviously have no respect for our founding, history or institutions.  They’ve been busy fundamentally transforming the most powerful and benevolent nation ever to exist into something that is un-American; a hybrid of socialist Europeanism and Latin American strife.

 Look at France.  They have a stagnant economy, a corrupt bureaucracy, an incestuous political class that feeds off class envy and paternalism, an immigration problem that threatens their national identity and security, and an entitlement mentality that strangles innovation and hard work.

Democrats theatrically lament our shrinking middle-class.  Yet, it is their French-esque policies that are the cause.  Here is an excerpt from an article describing the French economy published by the Telegraph:

From 40 per cent of the population then, blue-collar workers have dwindled to half of that and are looking in petrified anguish at the possibility of yet more jobs being outsourced abroad. Apart from the employees of former state monopolies such as SNCF, the railway network, or EDF, the electricity giant, who remain under the iron protection of specific statutes ensuring job security, French workers are aware that if they lose their jobs, they won't find anything half as good again.

The vast majority of the French not directly employed by the state (about one quarter of the workforce) live in a state of pervasive fear of unemployment that is probably impossible to overstate.

One quarter of the under-25s are unemployed; while employers also actively discriminate against over-50s. France is depressed and gloomy. More and more, my native country reminds me of the Britain I knew from my days at school during the Winter of Discontent, those grey and pessimistic times when the joke was that the last person leaving England should remember to turn out the lights. We don't have power cuts yet, but we have more and more power outages. The French, especially in the public sector, go on strike on the flimsiest of pretexts.

 Moreover, the country is riven by class envy and doubts most of its public figures. The recent revelation that the leader of the largest union, the Communist-linked CGT, has a flat renovated for his use at the union's expense, complete with home cinema and a terrace offering views of the Bois de Vincennes park in Paris, adds to the general feeling that none of the hitherto trusted figures holding power is deserving of their position.

That kind of sounds familiar doesn’t it?  Is this the vision Democrats have for us?  Vice President Joe Biden himself stated what D.C. thinks about the middle-class: 


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