Monday, August 3, 2015

Latino Tribalism Could Balkanize the United States

An immigration study has concluded tribalism will become evident around year 2050.  Latin Americas invasion of the United States is estimated to be around 29% of the population by that time and will continue to grow. 

What does this mean for the United States?  Will Anglo-Saxon Protestant values that forged, shaped and made this country great survive this onslaught?   Immigration analysts doubt it.

"By the sheer force of numbers, the kinds of adults that Latino students become will dramatically shape the future history of this country, as the former white majority becomes a minority population, at least in terms of number," said the study provided to Secrets. It sits behind a paywall.
"Latinos have become more than an electoral voting bloc, emerging as strategic actors in major processes of democratic social transformation," they added.
And they warned that there could be a backlash as whites try to hang on to power.
"In fact, the current struggle that persists in Arizona may well be a bellwether for the potential backlash that is bound to ensue in others parts of the nation, as the White Anglo-Saxon Protestant population no longer enjoys the political security associated with their past majority status," said the authors.
"Over the past four decades, Latinos in the United States have emerged as strategic actors in this process of socio economic transformation. This so-called Latinization of the United States comes at a time of increasing social polarization and class inequalities. These forces assert themselves economically, demographically, culturally and politically in the workplaces and in Latino everyday life," added their analysis.
Whites will lose more than political security.  The country could balkanize if these young Latinos don’t acculturate.  I don’t see that happening because of their numbers and the fact we’re living in an age where Americans have no moral compass and are self-loathing.  It is probable the United States could end up like Rome. 


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